Friday, 17 May 2013

The Effect of Rescuing Just One Dog

Animal Wellness Magazine recently welcomed a new rescue organization to our Ambassador Program. Based in Northern Illinois, Animal House Shelter began with the rescue of a single dog and has since grown into an organization that has helped find homes for thousands of dogs and cats. 

AW Magazine: Can you tell us a bit about your organization?

Animal House Shelter: 

Animal House Shelter began with a dog named Kiley. Lesley Irwin, founder and president of Animal House Shelter rescued a dog that had been dodging cars on a busy road in Northern Illinois.  The experience of rescuing Kiley and rehabilitating her to become a beautiful, loving member of her family inspired Lesley to devote her life to animal rescue.  Since June of 2002, when she opened the doors of Animal House Shelter, more than 25,000 dogs and cats have been given the same second chance that she gave to Kiley.  

                Animal House Shelter rescues 98% of our dogs and cats from pounds and animal control facilities with high rates of euthanasia.  These places do not have the space to accommodate the number of animals coming in and euthanize at astounding rates.  Animal House Shelter takes in these pets (many of which are on “death row”) regardless of age, breed or known health problems and rehabilitates them mentally and physically.  We then personalize the adoption process to assure that each one of our animals is going into the best possible home for their particular needs.  Dogs are walked a minimum of five times daily to give them the maximum amount of socialization with each other and with people.  Our cats are housed in a large free-roam cat habitat where they are constantly socializing with each other, staff, volunteers, and potential adopters. 

                Animal House Shelter is open 7 days a week and 365 days a year.  We never close, even on holidays, and strive to go above and beyond all standards of excellence when caring for the mental and physical needs of our animals.  We understand the importance of getting to know each of our animals as individuals in order to place them in the best possible home for their particular needs.  Each and every animal is treated with the love and respect they deserve as though they were our own pets.

AW Magazine: Can you tell us about an animal that was recently adopted? 

Animal House Shelter:

Beetle was just recently adopted from Animal House Shelter after being a resident with us for almost 2 full years.  He had originally been rescued from a dog fighting situation where, as a young and defenseless puppy, he was being used as a bait dog.  Because of this he had become very afraid of other dogs and could not be adopted into a home with other pets.  He finally found his forever family, however, and is loving having kids to play with and a home of his very own!

AW Magazine: Can you tell us about an animal that is waiting to be adopted? 

Animal House Shelter:

Hermie came to our shelter from an animal control facility in southern IL where he had been found on the side of the road with a broken leg.  Most other shelters are reluctant to take on dogs that are going to require extensive medical care but we took sweet little Hermie in without question.  He recovered in the comfort of a foster home and is now 100% mended and is waiting for adoption at Animal House Shelter!
5. What has your experience as an Ambassador been like?
We have only been an ambassador for a short time but we are enjoying the magazine and being a part of it.  The articles are wonderful and we are very excited to promote it to our supporters!

AW Magazine: Do you have any fundraising programs, or events happening? Tell us about them! 

Animal House Shelter:
We have our annual 5 K run, the Dash for the Dogs, coming up on June 1st .
Dash for the Dogs 2013 is Animal House Shelter’s 3rd annual 5K run and family fun walk  held to raise much needed funds for the medical bills and other needs of the animals here at our shelter.
We are also excited about our upcoming annual reunion event PAWfest 2013 on July 20th!
Visit the Animal House Shelter website for details:

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